Called and Gifted Teaching is now available either in person or online. For parishes or groups, in person teaching days can be booked by contacting A member of the team will respond to discuss your requirements and work with you to plan the day, making it relevant to your local mission and plans. Full guidance notes for parishes and groups are available.

For individuals, Called and Gifted Teaching is available online, enabling you to work at your own pace through the professionally produced videos from the Catherine of Siena Institute. 

Live Teaching

Called and Gifted Teaching is now available in person and we can tailor the training to suit the needs of the parish and groups. To find out more please click this link here to email us your interest and someone will respond to discuss your requirements.

Online Process

The online, digital learning platform can be accessed and a bundle covering all three stages of Called and Gifted can be purchased by clicking the below button and you will be redirected to the CSI webstore to complete your purchase and enrolled onto the e-learning platform. 

The Three Stages of Called & Gifted – ONLINE

Stage 1: The Teaching

The Passcode allows 6 months of access to learn about charisms and the language of spiritual gifts discernment through 5 hours of online videos, a few quick quizzes to check understanding and a spiritual gifts inventory to inform stage 2 of the discernment process.  Guidance from a UK C&G Team member is also on hand, who will help you transition through all 3 stages.

Ideally Stage 1 would be completed in 2-5 weeks.

Stage 2: The 1-1 Discernment Conversation

Portsmouth diocese have a team of facilitators, trained by the Catherine of Siena Institute, to help you unlock your potential charisms.

After completion of stage 1 and the spiritual gifts inventory you will be given an invitation via zoom to speak with a team facilitator about your inventory results. The facilitator is trained at helping you unlock your story; seeing where and when you feel most fully alive; looking for patterns in the way the Holy Spirit seems most likely to collaborate with you for the greater good; and assisting you to select just one of your potential charisms to explore in stage 3. The facilitator prayerfully guides the 1hr 15 minute conversation which will culminate in an initial charism implementation plan.

Stage 3: The Experimentation Stage

Prayerful support and team accompaniment to assist you as you explore one charism in real situations in your life. Do you feel joyful? Are the effects above and beyond normal expectations?

Following stage 2, the C&G Team facilitator will arrange a zoom launch meeting (approx. 1hr 30 mins) to direct & kick-start stage 3 with a group of discerners who have also completed stage 2. Whilst charism discernment is personal between you and the Holy Spirit, we have found that fellow discerners meeting at regular intervals over a 3month period are invaluable at motivating; encouraging; providing accountability; praying for & giving feedback to each other. A final meeting will also be arranged by the C&G Team facilitator to take stock of what has happened & advise where to next.