Charism of Mercy
Description: Practical deeds of compassion that comfort those who suffer and help them experience God’s love.
Testimony for the Charism of Mercy
I have been using my Charism of Mercy as a nurse for years, and many times experienced God working through me. Called and Gifted has deepened my faith and encouraged me to practise my charism with confidence amongst the people God places before me, especially the bereaved, the sick, the homeless, the lonely, and the dying.
“While I was sitting with this man, there was peace – time stood still”
In my work I often feel prompted by the Holy Spirit – He gives me a powerful feeling that I need to take action. One time I acted on the ” prompt” that I must do something to move a dying patient. Even though ward managers had already made their decisions and even though the hospital had no beds, it happened! The patient was moved to a room where he could have his wish to spend his last hours with his family. While I was sitting with this man, there was peace – time stood still – nothing else was important – I knew I was a vessel through which God was working with his people.
I have experienced this prompting many times. I held hands with a drug addict in a clinic and later he came back after a long time of no help and no one to talk to – and took my hand. I hugged a lady who was overcome with her disability following a stroke. She broke down and poured out feelings she had not expressed for months. I read a man his favourite novel as he passed away after coming off life support. When I drew back the curtains the staff on the ward were in tears.
All of these experiences were accompanied by the call to act and the ability to overcome all obstacles to enable this outpouring of the charism to happen. It is an experience of power and joy – I don’t ever feel tired or drained but empowered for the short while after using my charism.
Mercy Charism People say things like ‘ you are the first person to hold me .. or to smile at me ..or to give me a drink .. or to hold my hand. Strangers cry and hug me. These small things show me my charism is God working through me to reach His people. My job is to recognise the prompting to use this charism in situations that sometimes seem impossible. Recognising the prompting to use my charism comes clearer and clearer when I start my day in prayer and scripture. Called and Gifted has helped me to have a deeper prayer life and now I can recognise far more the prompting to use my Charism of Mercy.
Other Testimonies
My charisms were Mercy and Giving I remember that
when the list of places we could use our charism came up I
saw Prison. It was definitely Our Lord or the Holy Spirit
working in me, I had never been inside a prison before in
my life.
The Catholic chaplain at the time was Deacon Paul Wilson
and he suggested I could be an Official Prison Visitor. I had
to wait for my clearance first which took a while. I did key
training and was allowed onto the prison wings to see
prisoners who had their name on the list. I did this for nearly
4 years until the Covid lockdown.
About a year ago I heard of a new role in the prison as a
helper to Fr Jean Patrice along with a few other volunteers It is the most rewarding thing I
have ever done. We get to chat to the men before mass and after. I was a bit shy at first,
but when you see the men they always have a smile for you and shake your hand. Over
time you get to know some of the men really well. It is as rewarding for us as It is for the
men to see their face light up when they see you. I love it.
Other Mercy Quotes from the Called & Gifted Community
“I think that I have always had the Charism of Mercy although I didn’t think of it like that. I have always been drawn to people in need and in pain and wanted to help them. I really enjoyed working as a nurse and health visitor when I could use these gifts.”
“During my one to one conversation, Mercy came up as the charism that it made sense to explore. I was really surprised! However, when I looked back on my life, I could see that I had always felt drawn to help people who are suffering.”
“I find it very rewarding to relate to and help people in practical ways who are needy or suffering. Recently a lady moved to our Parish who had lost her husband just over a year ago. I invited her to come with me to a weekly prayer group. This has made a really positive difference as she enjoys it and hopefully it has helped to restore some of her social confidence. I have heard her telling others how much it has helped her.”
“For some time now our prayer group at St Edmund’s, Abingdon, has felt the call to put our faith into action and reach out to the many homeless on the streets of Oxford. We call it the Chocolate Ministry as we take bars of chocolate to give to any of our less fortunate brothers and sisters that we come across as we walk around the city. We also give items of warm clothing and money – all provided by generous donations. Our ministry involves other charisms besides Mercy, including Evangelism, Encouragement, Prophecy, Healing, Faith and Intercessory Prayer.”
“Mercy is an ‘active’ or ‘doing’ charism and I have found myself arranging flowers or feeding / clothing / befriending people to relieve their suffering – the Holy Spirit empowers me with this charism to do whatever is necessary to help the person in need. He somehow manages to match the medicine/balm to the ailment in a truly astounding way!”
“When people are unable to manage things for themselves it can have a negative impact on their sense of self-worth, so I have cleaned houses, looked after babies/children, shaved men’s faces, cut fingernails and helped with personal care and grooming. I have also mediated financial settlements or issues in dispute for immigrants and other vulnerable groups; gone grocery shopping; read books aloud; sung to people in nursing and care homes; taught people a variety of skills; washed cars, taken pets to the vet; accompanied people doctor’s appointments; cut back overgrown hedges and tidied gardens. “
“I know that those who suffer are often people of great spiritual depth and I feel privileged to spend time with them. I am part of our Parish ministry to the sick, needy or marginalized so I have regularly visited two people with different degrees of dementia, one for about two years. “