Charism of Giving
Definition: Giving with exceptional generosity to those in need.
Testimony for the Charism of Giving
Here are just a few examples of how I have experienced this charism.
1. The Lord laid on my heart to give someone at work £100. I had no idea why but I obeyed anyway. The girl was very grateful and told me she had been praying for this money to pay her rent.
2. While I was knitting a jumper for my nephew, I felt I should knit two more with one slightly smaller than the others. I had no idea why. Then we had a mission at our church and there were two little boys and I felt in my spirit that the extra jumpers were for them. I gave them to the parents, and they explained that the Lord provided all their clothes that way.
3. I had saved £200 for spending money for my holiday, something unusual for me. Someone at work lost her mother in the Philippines, I felt very sad for her. That night I had a dream. The Lord told me to give her my holiday money. I said, ‘yes Lord I will give her half’. He said, ‘no, give her all of it’. In the morning, I went and got the money and gave it to her. She was very grateful and said she would be able to go to her mother’s funeral now. Just before my holiday I received £300 through the post from an unknown person, with a note telling me to enjoy my holiday!
4. I heard The Lord in my spirit say to give a certain family £20. I said ‘I would love to Lord but I’ve only got £10’. The Lord directed me to a handbag that I hadn’t used in years. I looked inside and there was a £10 note. I said ‘thank you Lord’ and put it inside a note describing what had happened. The mother of the family was very moved by the love of our Lord.