when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;
and you will be my witnesses
in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria,
and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8 (NRSVCE)
Each of us is created uniquely by God, in our time and place, for a purpose. When we understand and allow ourselves to be aligned with that purpose we are energised and fulfilled; and God’s love and provision is able to flow more freely exactly where it is needed, through our spiritual gifts (charisms). Called and Gifted is the discernment process that helps us unlock our story, understand our gifts (charisms) and discover our unique mission. Called and Gifted has a rich history stemming from the Catherine of Siena Institute and the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.
We have so much happening this year in 2025, that we wanted to give you a glimpse of some of what we have planned. You can view details of all our events here
Click below to read our latest news and articles on what is happening in our Called and Gifted group. Watch Gerry Penfold's talk on "The Holy Spirit is our Guide"
Read Fr Mark Hogan's testimony on the Live teaching workshop held in Winchester.
FR Mark Hogan - "This is now the third time that Called and Gifted has taken place in our parish, one of those being before I arrived and the other just before COVID. My experience is that the process gets richer each time. People are hungrier to deepen their faith and their understanding of the gifts given them by the Holy Spirit to serve others.”
Read the latest interview from Anne-Marie Fletcher in the local magazine Arise Sheffield here.
Learning about charisms has never been easier. Teaching is now available online in a self-paced, self-study, digital bundle which can be accessed via a passcode when you register. This opens up charism discernment to the whole of the UK where you can expect energy, joy, surprises and great results!
After completion of stage 1 and the spiritual gifts inventory you will be given an invitation via Zoom to speak with a team facilitator about your inventory results. The facilitator is trained at helping you unlock your story; seeing where and when you feel most fully alive.
Following stage 2, the team facilitator will arrange a Zoom launch meeting to kick-start stage 3 with a group of discerners who have completed stage 2. Whilst charism discernment is personal between you and the Holy Spirit, we have found that fellow discerners meeting at regular intervals are invaluable.
“A charism is more than a talent or personal quality.
It is a grace, a gift that God gives
through the Holy Spirit.
Not because someone is better than others
but rather so that he puts it at the service of others
with the same gratitude and love
with which he has received it.”
Pope Francis
“Together we really become the hands and feet of Christ and our service becomes an act of worship. "
“Designing and painting it was a time of peacefulness and prayer
“People that I don’t know very well at all will just come up to me and start talking about their personal lives.”
“When they approach me, I often feel the Holy Spirit powering my responses and allowing me to become part of their spiritual journey towards Jesus..”
“We prayed the rosary together and something amazing happened to me!”
“She had a routine checkup at the hospital a few
days later and was told that there was no trace of the condition in her body.”
“One evening, all on my own, I prayed the Alpha prayer – and everything changed!”
“Whenever I wake up in the night I immediately sense the need to pray for a person or a situation.”
“I found that God was giving me words that were accurately speaking into the lives of the group and further afield”
“I feel as if the Holy Spirit is pushing me to test boundaries, be innovative and be that beacon of light that gets things done.”
© Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth 2023 | Registration number: England Registered Charity No. 1199568 Jersey Registered Charity No. 457 and Guernsey Registered Charity No.CH263